
EasyChair logo This year, all papers need to be submit using the EasyChair conference management system. If you have no EasyChair account, sign up for an account.

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SIG26 Submission guidelines

Dowload the pdf of the combined (SIG 20 and SIG 26) second call here (version March 14, pdf, 522K)

Note: deadline extended: now April 8, 2016.

We invite submissions for

Please submit papers through Easychair (click on the “submit” button on the upper right corner of your screen). All submissions should include:

* We will organize a special session for doctoral students' and early career researchers in which you get the opportunity to ask for feedback from the audience and senior researchers on your research (design, data analysis, further research questions...).

All submissions will be reviewed by members of the scientific committee of the conference.

[Click on "Submit/Review" in the upper right corner of this page to access easychair to submit or review]

Download the template in Word format Word template

Download the template in pdf Pdf template

* These are the templates to submit for SIG 26. There are different templates for SIG 20.